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Prezzemolina e le tre streghe


Editorial news

The story of Prezzemolina narrated here is an ancient Piedmontese version, a different jewel from the most famous Tuscan variant immortalized by Italo Calvino. A coupleeager to have a daughter asks the nearby evil witches for help. The witches agree, but insist that the girl must bear the name of Prezzemolina and never steal the parsley from their garden. When Prezzemolina grow up she breaks the promise and is punished by the witches, but thanks to maternal love, purifying water and an enchanted fairy she can be saved.

With mp3 audio from Qr-code.


Vannamaria Chiavazza

Prezzemolina and the three witches



Illustrations by Arianna Taretto

By Lorella Perugia

Musics by the teachers of Centro Goitre


  pages 48

price €16,00

size cm 22×22, paperback

le Musifiabe Series

ISBN 978-88-31274-99-9


  • The richly illustrated book in colour is the result of a collective and participated work between teachers of the Goitre Center that this year celebrates 40 years of activity: experienced musicians and attentive teachers have composed, arranged, processed all the musical interventions and sonorizations of the fairy tale.
  • The illustrated musical fairy tale for children: music, narration and illustrations come together to give an exciting experience.
  • Through the Qr-code from our site you can listen to the story told by actors and music played and sung by children and young people of the Goitre Center.
  • The melodies of the songs painted on pentagrams are mixed with the drawings to bring the readers closer to music from an early age.
  • The book becomes a working tool for teachers with games, educational activities and complete music scores thanks to the links to our site where you can buy online additional content for working in class with their students or for parents to play at home with their children.
  • With mp3 audio from Qr-code.



Reader profile

  • children aged 4 to 8 or over
  • parents
  • Early childhood and primary school teachers
  • Educators and animators
  • Teachers of children’s music


Profile of author, illustrator and curator

Vannamaria Chiavazza, primary school teacher, founding partner of the Goitre Center, experienced chorister, has carried out an intense research activity in music teaching for children. She has published musical fairy tales, articles and teaching units in La Cartellina and other specialist magazines.

Arianna Taretto, graduated in Graphic Design in Turin and Illustration at ISIA in Urbino, studied music and singing since she was a child at the Goitre Center. She is part of the Ensemble Corale Giovanile of the Centre. For some years she has been working on educational and cultural projects on music and illustration.

Lorella Perugia, musician, teacher, trainer and president of the Goitre Center. Graduated in Guitar and Graduate in Modern Letters, expert in functional vocality, she specialized in music teaching for children and pre-adolescence by merging her different skills. She has published books and articles on music education, also with Musica Practica.

Additional information

Weight 0.242 kg